The next 6 years I travelled the World Graciously giving and receiving Karma. And more interested in living with the locals than seeing monuments. In 1984 I had the revelation the Light that is inside me, my Soul is connected to every other Soul. Together all our Souls are the Divine. All our Souls combined are God making every Soul a God. I believe learning Karma and practicing Karma and learning empathy (witnessing the horrors of Humanity in my travels eg racism, Government suppression, poverty, poverty, war, death on the streets, slavery etc) mixed with meeting the most amazing Souls and chuck in a couple of life and death situations, saving a Soul etc led me to finding my Soul. I don’t think Karma is physical. Giving Karma exposes one’s true Soul. It’s how we give Karma, it has to come from a good heart. So when a person gives Karma you see that person’s Soul. Also there is no such thing as bad Karma. Does not exist in my Soul. Karma is only good. When I think about it, Karma is probably the first Law of Soul. First law of Humanity. Giving a kind smile with a little compliment to another Soul is Divine Karma. For a Spiritual person I feel Karma comes from really deep with in. And I also feel that practicing Karma for decades now that it becomes natural to just give happily and enjoy being a giving Soul. Happy Karma.

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At the tender age of 17 I hitchhiked around the islands of New Zealand. The beautiful people there constantly looked after and invited me into there homes. One afternoon a man picked me up and offered me to go to his farm to stay the night cause I would not get a lift till the morning.. He told me graciously he was giving me Karma, cause his daughter was traveling around Australia were I come from and hoped people would do the same for her. Greatest lesson in Life is to accept Karma Graciously this frees you to give Karma Graciously . To Graciously give Karma is Divine . I try to repay that beautiful Soul everyday by giving Karma Graciously to every Soul I encounter. Through learning to receive Karma Graciously and give Karma Graciously led to my connection with my Soul. The out come of Karma is always in the hands of the receiver and the giver. It’s who we really are on the inside that determines how Gracious in Karma we really are.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Stephanie B.

Karma has two components - fixed (dridha) and unfixed (adridha). The unfixed karma can be influenced by making conscious decisions and taking remedial measures. Quantum and multiple realities are theories that suggest that our actions can create alternate universes or timelines. This means that, even with small decisions, we can influence our own karma and the karma of others with our actions.

Random luck and fate, which are part of Vedic Astrology, can also be identified in a chart. Vedic Astrology's Muhurta timing determines specific auspicious times, further emphasizing the importance of taking the right action at the right time.

The Law of Attraction and high vibration also play a role in understanding karma, as they both suggest that by raising our vibration and understanding the power of our thoughts, we can attract positive experiences and influences into our lives.

In brief, there is no a complete answer to the pool, to me all are valid and express a view of reality. What's fair or unfair is a personal perception and it depends what you compare it with.

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"The good news about Vedic Medical Astrology is that supposedly you can mitigate your bad karma through mantras, charity, and gemstone therapy. But still…the whole thing is weird to me. Are we in some sort of cosmic computer that gives us clues to our lifepath through the planets, which somehow humans accidentally discovered?"

Yes, I think that the hard parts of the chart can be somewhat transcended by conscious application of will, attention and intention, and that is the free will part of this 'cosmic computer', the randomized variables if you like. Then there are rulesets that don't change and are indeed deterministic-spiritual and physical law.

Therefore we have a balance of randomness in free will and predetermined rules in eternal law. This is to optimise the evolution of consciousness. From what I can tell each life calls for some kind of refinement, we come here with personal challenges to transcend and unique contributions to make - our duties here. Our 'soul' carries on beyond the physical and feeds its refinement, growth, uniqueness back to the unity consciousness, and this is how consciousness expands. Maybe :)

Thanks for you writings.

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Stephanie B.

Hopefully your astrological readings don’t cement the ideas that you are eternally doomed to a life of unwellness and being single. Life is always in flux. I do believe that planetary alignment affects energy, but I also believe that our own beliefs can hugely impact our trajectory.

Another though is that horrible rich people who seem to have it all from the outside, are often void of deeper fulfillment on a personal or spiritual level. Conversely, people who have virtually nothing, can have the deepest appreciated and gratitude for the little that they do have, and be happier than mega rich people.

Thanks for sharing your story, it definitely made me stop a while and ponder my own beliefs on what controls the Universe.

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You're so right, Stephanie. It was definitely the Berenstein Bears. 1000%. Enjoyed learning about Vedic Astrology. Thank you for sharing what you've learned so far.

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The eternal question posed by Job.


Yet all the answers seem somehow unsatisfying or incomplete, whether one defaults to "God has a plan" or "Karma" or "everything's random."

For me, I think there is an important point of logic that the Book of Job illuminates which people often overlook: we are finite creatures within a finite universe; we are the creation, not the creator. There are limits not only to what we know but also to what we can know, and whatever is outside of those limits is, ultimately, unknowable.

To apprehend the totality of the universe requires one be able to step outside the universe so as to perceive all at once the totality of the universe, including our place within it. As we cannot do this, we cannot perceive the totality of the universe and so cannot perceive the how and especially the why of its unfolding. That leaves us frustrated and confused when confronted by the seeming injustice of the world.

And yet....if we do not know pain, do not experience loss, how can we ever hope to empathize with those who have? If we do not struggle, how can we be sympathetic to others who also struggle? If we are not hurt, how can we hope to understand--and thence to offer--healing?

Thus I come to a question: which is the more "unfair"? To have prosperity, wealth, and comfort without having to strive? Or to strive and achieve only a little or even less prosperity, wealth, and comfort?

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